Your financial support is critical to our mission of maintaining and improving trails.
WMMBA maintains and improves fifteen total trail systems and over 120 miles of natural surface trail in West Michigan. Your financial support is used for materials, labor and tools used to make our trails awesome. Thanks for supporting WMMBA. Make a one time general donation or donate to a specific project below.
"Think about what mountain biking means to you and those you ride with. What is it worth to you? If you are able to do so, any size donation beyond membership dues will go right into the dirt you ride on WMMBA trails or to support our members. Donations can be targeted to projects of interest or otherwise meeting WMMBA’s short and long term goals. We can even establish challenge grants. Please contact me or any board member to get the conversation going."
~ Dan Frayer, President
specific project donation
Richmond Park Improvements
Built in partnership with IMBA, the Richmond Park Flow Trail offers users a fun and flowy downhill experience. In 2024 WMMBA invested over $3,000 in features and improvements. We can't stop there. There are still significant improvements needed to improve sustainability and drainage. With this $1,600 campaign we will be purchasing additional clay, culvert and rock to improve the flow track. Make a donation below to help with this goal.
Yankee Springs Groomer
Love to ride Yankee Springs? While this is a great year round trail, WMMBA would love to enhance the winter riding experience by purchasing a groomer to create the same quality fat bike experience that our riders have at Merrell. Help us reach that goal by making a donation below.