WMMBA has a full calendar of events including volunteer trail days, group rides, membership meetings and community events.
upcoming Events
Main Trailhead
Yankee Springs Trail Day
Bring Friends and spread the word!
Join us to support general trail maintenance at one of West Michigan's favorites.
RSVP and Questions to Trails@wmmba.org
Our partners at Barry Roubaix have invited us to hang out at their Blackrocks Barry Roubaix Packet Pick Up on Sunday April 6.
WMMBA will be hanging out from 1-6 at Cannonsburg Ski Area talking about Mountain Biking, our upcoming community events, volunteer opportunities and how your membership dues are invested in trail improvements.
Emerald Spas and Billiards will be hosting the West Michigan Mountain Bike Community for fun, games and Tacos. We will be playing pool, ping pong darts and the Hot Tubs will be open! $25 Tickets. Kids get in Free. 100% of event proceeds benefit your favorite trails. 10% of all Hot Tub Sales will benefit trails.
Get your tickets today:
Main Trailhead
Yankee Springs Trail Day
Bring Friends and spread the word!
Join us to support general trail maintenance at one of West Michigan's favorites.
RSVP and Questions to Trails@wmmba.org
Main Trailhead
Join us for a Pre-Race Social Event.
No-Drop Social Ride rolling out at 6pm.
All ability levels welcome.
S'mores after.
Bring Friend