All membership dues directly support our trails. All work on these trails is performed by dedicated and skilled volunteers. Your financial support contributes directly to the dirt and features you ride on a WMMBA trail.
If you ride one of our 16 trails – including The Dragon, Merrell, Luton, Yankee Springs, and Cannonsburg State Game Area – please join West Michigan Mountain Bike Alliance and support their maintenance and improvement. All membership dues directly support our current trails. All work on these trails is performed by dedicated and skilled volunteers. So your financial support goes right into the dirt and features you ride on a WMMBA trail.
And if you’re a member, you are also a full part of our community. Please encourage your riding friends to become members, too. Membership dues provide 50% of WMMBA’s annual budget. We need all riders to help support the costs of maintaining our 120+ miles of trails.
You can join for $39 per year. But think about how much mountain biking on WMMBA trails means to you and consider a larger annual membership contribution. Thank you for supporting WMMBA and see you on the trails.
WMMBA partners with the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) to manage membership subscriptions.